
I’ve always liked fiddling around with customizing my blogs. As you can see I’m only mediocre at that though. But, I still think I could be at least able for me to build a website all by myself. The ultimate in fiddling around is to actually build the whole thing from scratch. However I had no idea how. I knew that you could come a long way by learning HTML, CCS and javascript, but what were all these other languages I kept hearing about? Why should I learn any of those? What was the difference? What did PHP do that Python did not. Or what is Ruby and why is or isn’t it on rails?

Then BAM! Bento: A website which neatly showed me what I wanted to know in one useful chart. And It gave me the links to websites which allowed me to learn what I wanted. So I went to Dash and within minutes I was doing what I like best…fiddling, but for real. It’s like Duolingo as well. the status bar makes me want to go on in short bursts. Slow progress and a computer telling me how great I am.

Here is the first attempt at building a wesite I did when I started this blog: https://pieterreeve.wordpress.com/2013/06/09/what-i-learned-yesterday-day-1-programming-very-very-basic/

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